Source code for simple_rl.planning.MCTSClass

''' Class for a basic Monte Carlo Tree Search Planner. '''

# Python imports.
import math as m
import random
from collections import defaultdict

# Other imports.
from simple_rl.planning.PlannerClass import Planner

[docs]class MCTS(Planner): def __init__(self, mdp, name="mcts", explore_param=m.sqrt(2), rollout_depth=20, num_rollouts_per_step=10): Planner.__init__(self, mdp, name=name) self.rollout_depth = rollout_depth self.num_rollouts_per_step = num_rollouts_per_step self.value_total = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(float)) self.explore_param = explore_param self.visitation_counts = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(lambda : 0))
[docs] def plan(self, cur_state, horizon=20): ''' Args: cur_state (State) horizon (int) Returns: (list): List of actions ''' action_seq = [] state_seq = [cur_state] steps = 0 while not cur_state.is_terminal() and steps < horizon: action = self._next_action(cur_state) # Do the rollouts... cur_state = self.transition_func(cur_state, action) action_seq.append(action) state_seq.append(cur_state) steps += 1 self.has_planned = True return action_seq, state_seq
[docs] def policy(self, state): ''' Args: state (State) Returns: (str) ''' if not self.has_planned: self.plan(state) return self._next_action(state)
def _next_action(self, state): ''' Args; state (State) Returns: (str) Summary: Performs a single step of the MCTS rollout. ''' best_action = self.actions[0] best_score = 0 total_visits = [self.visitation_counts[state][a] for a in self.actions] print(total_visits) if 0 in total_visits: # Insufficient stats, return random. # Should choose randomly AMONG UNSAMPLED. unsampled_actions = [self.actions[i] for i, x in enumerate(total_visits) if x == 0] next_action = random.choice(unsampled_actions) self.visitation_counts[state][next_action] += 1 return next_action total = sum(total_visits) # Else choose according to the UCT explore method. for cur_action in self.actions: s_a_value_tot = self.value_total[state][cur_action] s_a_visit = self.visitation_counts[state][cur_action] score = s_a_value_tot / s_a_visit + self.explore_param * m.sqrt(m.log(total) / s_a_visit) if score > best_score: best_action = cur_action best_score = score return best_action def _rollout(self, cur_state, action): ''' Args: cur_state (State) action (str) Returns: (float): Discounted reward from the rollout. ''' trajectory = [] total_discounted_reward = [] for i in range(self.rollout_depth): # Simulate next state. next_action = self._next_action(cur_state) cur_state = self.transition_func(cur_state, next_action) next_reward = self.reward_func(cur_state, next_action) # Track rewards and states. total_discounted_reward.append(self.gamma**i * next_reward) trajectory.append((cur_state, next_action)) if cur_state.is_terminal(): # Break terminal. break # Update all visited nodes. for i, experience in enumerate(trajectory): s, a = experience self.visitation_counts[s][a] += 1 self.value_total[s][a] += sum(total_discounted_reward[i:]) return total_discounted_reward