Conference Papers
Hyunin Lee, Chanwoo Park, David Abel, Ming Jin.
ICLR 2025.
Studying the Interplay Between the Actor and Critic Representations in Reinforcement Learning Paper Forthcoming.
Samuel Garcin, Trevor McInroe, Pablo Samuel Castro, Christopher G. Lucas, David Abel, Prakash Panangaden, Stefano V. Albrecht.
ICLR 2025.
David Abel, Mark K. Ho, Anna Harutyunyan
RLC 2024.
Andi Peng, Yuying Sun, Tianmin Shu, David Abel
ICML 2024.
David Abel, André Barreto, Benjamin Van Roy, Doina Precup, Hado van Hasselt, Satinder Singh.
NeurIPS 2023.
Michael Bowling, John D. Martin, David Abel, Will Dabney.
ICML 2023.
Jelena Luketina, Sebastian Flennerhag, Yannick Schroecker, David Abel, Tom Zahavy, Satinder Singh.
CoLLAs 2022.
David Abel, Will Dabney, Anna Harutyunyan, Mark K. Ho, Michael L. Littman, Doina Precup, Satinder Singh.
NeurIPS 2021 (Outstanding Paper Award).
Tadashi Kozuno, Yunhao Tang, Mark Rowland, Rémi Munos, Steven Kapturowski, Will Dabney, Michal Valko, David Abel.
ICML 2021.
Erwan Lecarpentier, David Abel, Kavosh Asadi, Yuu Jinnai, Emmanuel Rachelson, Michael L. Littman.
AAAI 2021. (Earlier version on
Khimya Khetarpal, Zafarali Ahmed, Gheorghe Comanici, David Abel, Doina Precup.
ICML 2020.
David Abel, Nathan Umbanhowar, Khimya Khetarpal, Dilip Arumugam, Doina Precup, Michael L. Littman.
Mark K. Ho, David Abel, Jonathan D. Cohen, Michael L. Littman, Thomas L. Griffiths.
AAAI 2020.
David Abel*, John Winder*, Marie desJardins, Michael L. Littman.
IJCAI 2019.
Yuu Jinnai, David Abel, D Ellis Hershkowitz, Michael L. Littman, George Konidaris.
ICML 2019.
Yuu Jinnai, Jee Won Park, David Abel, George Konidaris.
ICML 2019.
David Abel, Dilip Arumugam, Kavosh Asadi, Yuu Jinnai, Michael L. Littman, Lawson L.S. Wong.
AAAI 2019.
David Abel, Dilip Arumugam, Lucas Lehnert, Michael L. Littman.
ICML 2018.
David Abel*, Yuu Jinnai*, Yue Guo, George Konidaris, Michael L. Littman.
ICML 2018.
David Abel, Edward C. Williams, Stephen Brawner, Emily Reif, Michael L. Littman.
David Abel*, D Ellis Hershkowitz*, Michael L. Littman.
ICML 2016. (Extended version on
David Abel, D Ellis Hershkowitz, Gabriel Barth-Maron, Stephen Brawner, Kevin O'Farrell, James MacGlashan, Stefanie Tellex.
ICAPS 2015.
Journal Papers
Mark K. Ho, David Abel, Carlos G. Correa, Michael L. Littman, Jonathan D. Cohen, Thomas L. Griffiths.
Nature 2022.
Mark K. Ho, David Abel, Thomas L. Griffiths, Michael L. Littman.
Current Opinions in Behavioral Sciences 2019.
David Abel. Advised by Prof. Michael Littman.
Ph.D Thesis (Computer Science), Brown University, 2020.
David Abel. Advised by Prof. Joshua Schechter.
Master’s Thesis (Philosophy), Brown University, 2019.
David Abel. Advised by Prof. Stefanie Tellex.
Master’s Thesis (Computer Science), Brown University, 2015.
Toward the Defense of Hypercomputation. (Revised Version Coming Eventually)
David Abel. Co-advised by Prof. Anna Moltchanova and Prof. Jason Decker.
Bachelor’s Thesis (Philosophy), Carleton College, 2013.
Workshops, Symposia, and Extended Abstracts
Memory Allocation in Resource-Constrained Reinforcement Learning.
Massimiliano Tamborski, David Abel.
RLDM 2025.
David Abel, André Barreto, Michael Bowling, Will Dabney, Shi Dong, Steven Hansen, Anna Harutyunyan, Khimya Khetarpal, Clare Lyle, Razvan Pascanu, Georgios Piliouras, Doina Precup, Jonathan Richens, Mark Rowland, Tom Schaul, Satinder Singh.
RLDM 2025.
David Abel, André Barreto, Michael Bowling, Will Dabney, Steven Hansen, Anna Harutyunyan, Mark K. Ho, Ramana Kumar, Michael L. Littman, Doina Precup, Satinder Singh.
RLDM 2022.
Jelena Luketina, Sebastian Flennerhag, Yannick Schroecker, David Abel, Tom Zahavy, Satinder Singh.
ICLR Workshop on Agent Learning in Open-Endedness 2022.
David Abel, Will Dabney, Anna Harutyunyan, Mark K. Ho, Michael L. Littman, Doina Precup, Satinder Singh.
IJCAI (Sister Conferences Best Papers Track) 2022.
David Abel, Cameron Allen, Dilip Arumugam, D. Ellis Hershkowitz, Michael L. Littman, Lawson L.S. Wong.
ICML Workshop on Reinforcement Learning Theory 2021.
Yuu Jinnai, David Abel, Jee Won Park, D Ellis Hershkowitz, Michael L. Littman, George Konidaris.
ICLR Workshop on Structure and Priors in RL 2019.
David Abel.
ICLR Workshop on Reproducibility in Machine Learning 2019.
David Abel.
AAAI Doctoral Consortium 2019.
David Abel, Dilip Arumugam, Lucas Lehnert, Michael L. Littman.
NeurIPS Workshop on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning 2017.
David Abel, John Salvatier, Andreas Stuhlmüller, Owain Evans.
NeurIPS Workshop on the Future of Interactive Learning Machines 2016.
David Abel, Alekh Agarwal, Fernando Diaz, Akshay Krishnamurthy, Robert Schapire.
ICML Workshop on Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning 2016.
David Abel, James MacGlashan, Michael L. Littman.
AAAI Workshop on AI, Ethics, and Society 2016.
Gabriel Barth-Maron, David Abel, James MacGlashan, Stefanie Tellex.
AAAI Symposium on Knowledge and Skill Transfer 2014.
David Abel, Gabriel Barth-Maron, James MacGlashan, Stefanie Tellex.
RSS Workshop on Affordances in Vision for Cognitive Robotics 2014.
Bernardo Ávila Pires, Mark Rowland, Diana Borsa, Zhaohan Daniel Guo, Khimya Khetarpal, André Barreto, David Abel, Rémi Munos, Will Dabney.
Preprint 2025.
David Abel, André Barreto, Hado van Hasselt, Benjamin Van Roy, Doina Precup, Satinder Singh.
Preprint 2023.
Mark K. Ho, David Abel, Carlos G. Correa, Michael L. Littman, Jonathan D. Cohen, Thomas L. Griffiths.
Preprint 2021.
Kavosh Asadi, David Abel, Michael L. Littman.
Preprint 2020.
Dilip Arumugam, David Abel, Kavosh Asadi, Nakul Gopalan, Christopher Grimm, Jun Ki Lee, Lucas Lehnert, Michael L. Littman.
Preprint 2018.
Christopher Grimm, Dilip Arumugam, Siddharth Karamcheti, David Abel, Lawson L.S. Wong, Michael L. Littman.
Preprint 2017.